Memorandum of Understanding (Paris, December 2015 - December 2020)

Cooperation on vulnerability to climate change, risk assessment, adaptation and mitigation

Counterpart: Ministry of Production, Environment, Energy, Industry and Handcrafts* of the Union of the Comoros
Intervention areas:

• promotion of renewable energies in order to achieve the target established by the government of the Comoros;

• access to drinking water through the integrated management of water resources;

• development of policies and programs to combat soil degradation.

*The current name of the Comorian Ministry is the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment, Territory Planning and Urban

*The current name of the Comorian Ministry is the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment, Territory Planning and Urban

- Memorandum of Understanding Italy - Union of the Comoros (December 9, 2015, EN, IT, FR
- Comoros Work Plan (August 2016, FR)



    11/09/2017       Bilateral between the Minister of the Environment Gian Luca Galletti and the Vice-President of the Comoros Said Hassani
    11/09/2017       Second meeting of the Joint Committee: sustainable management of waste, geothermal energy and renewable energies
    04/08/03/17     Technical visit to Moroni  
Mitigation and Adaptation: the collaboration between the Ministry and the Union of the Comoros (radio news)
    27/12/2016       Moroni: Visit open to Italian companies and the third sector for the definition of projects
First meeting of the Joint Committee: waste disposal in first place



Ultimo aggiornamento 01.06.2023