Avviso sulla formazione di una delegazione libanese a Ecomondo 2019

Join the Lebanese Delegation to Ecomondo 2019- Rimini, Italy- 5 to 8 November 2019
Organized by the Italian Exhibition Group, Ecomondo is the leading international expo event for the green and circular economy. The 23rd version of Ecomondo takes place this year at the Rimini Expo Center in Italy from 5 to 8 November 2019. Thanks to the support of the Italian Ministry for the Environment , Land, and Sea (IMELS), a large Lebanese delegation will be participating in the event to explore business opportunities with Italian manufacturers and developers of green technologies, at a time when a lot of financial support is being offered by Italy to Lebanon to support the use of Italian-made green technologies. The delegation will include private sector companies, members of the Lebanon Committee of the World Energy Council (WEC). Parties interested to join the Lebanese delegation are requested to contact Ms. Shatha Wansa using the following email address: shatha.wansa@lcec.org.lb.



Source URL: https://www.mase.gov.it/pagina/avviso-sulla-formazione-di-una-delegazione-libanese-ecomondo-2019